How to Monitor Call Recordings and SMS on a Target Phone?


One call recording can tell you so much about the people involved in the call. Not only call recordings but also the SMSs they receive or send are part of their daily life. 

Thus, if you want to understand the habits and lives of the people around you, such as your loved ones or employees, monitoring their calls and SMS is the best way.

However, if you ever set a call recording on a phone, the first issue will be that the parties involved in the call will get a notification of the recording. The second and bigger issue is that even if you somehow successfully record the call, the recordings will remain on that device. As for SMS, there is no way for you to check them once they are deleted from the device.

But if you install a mobile spy app on the device of the person you want to read SMSs and listen to call recordings, then you can achieve your goal. 

A mobile spy has features like a hidden call recorder and SMS tracker that can monitor phone calls and text messages of a mobile device you want to target. 

Once you download and install the spying app, it can track call and SMS activity remotely and stealthily. The app will then start collecting the tracked data, encrypt it, and then transmit it to the Dashboard, a platform that is at the user end.

Let’s learn more about these monitoring features and the insights they bring to you in the article below.

Monitor Call Recordings on the Target Phone

A hidden call recorder can help monitor call recordings on the target phone. It does so without sending out notifications, that is, in stealth mode, and brings the call recordings to the user Dashboard. 

One such call recorder that you can get your hands on is from websites like ONEMONITAR, CHYLDMONITOR, ONESPY, etc. The hidden call recorders from these websites monitor call recordings on the target phone and bring in other information related to that call.

Let's understand these features and how they may help us:

  • As it is given by the name hidden call recorder, the application provides recordings of each incoming and outgoing call that are exchanged via the target device
  • The spying app provides a download link and a Play function, which lets users listen to a call recording on the Dashboard itself.
  • The additional information that you get is the name and number of the person with whom the call has been exchanged and recorded.
  • The hidden call recorder will also display the direction, duration, and timestamp of the call.
  • There is also information on the size of the recording file 
  • Users can also take action like blocking any contact or star-marking them for close monitoring.

These features of the hidden call recorder can provide all the information a person wishes for. They can tell you things like:

  • With whom the target phone user frequently contacts
  • The durations they spend on call with their contacts
  • Timings they choose to make or receive a call from a certain number can tell you about their schedule
  • Directions bring you insight into whether the target phone user mostly makes calls or receives them.

With these insights bought by the features of the hidden call recorder, you can gather information about the target phone user and their interests. 

If you monitor your loved ones, you can protect them from bullies, cyber fraudsters, and other threats they may face. If you purchase this spying software service for monitoring employees, the hidden call recorder can help you increase productivity, track their timing, and ensure they work properly.

Monitor SMS Messages on the Target Phone

The SMS Tracker can help monitor SMS messages on the target phone. The messages are recorded and transmitted to the Dashboard as soon as they are sent or received. Even if the target phone user deletes them, the data will remain on the Dashboard. 

You can get the SMS tracking feature in spying apps like ONEMONITAR and CHYLDMONITOR. The information they bring on the Dashboard are:

  • Text messages that are exchanged can be read from the Dashboard
  • The contact details of the person with whom these SMSs are exchanged
  • The user can check the direction of the SMS, whether they are sent or received
  • The date and time of the SMS exchange can also be checked from the Dashboard
  • An action button is provided to star-mark the contacts or SMSs you want to watch closely.

The insights these features of SMS tracker bring are:

  • SMSs received for OTPs for app installation can tell you about the type of apps they have installed on the phone
  • OTP SMSs for deliveries can show you the frequency of the target phone user’s shopping
  • The user can also check for contact information with whom texts are exchanged
  • Timestamps and directions can answer your when and frequency of sent and received messages, respectively
  • The action button provides a means to mark a certain number for closer inspection.

Note: It is important to keep in mind that these spying apps do not show the OTPs or Passwords received on the target phone. They fully respect the privacy and security of the target phone user.

The information that you gather with the SMS tracker, if it is your child you are monitoring, may help you regulate their phone usage. For instance, if they download too many gaming apps, you can learn it from the OTP messages they receive for installation. 

Knowing what apps your child has on your phone and how they spend their time, you can guide them towards important things like studying or playing outdoor games, which is good for their cognitive development.

Your Takeaway

The call and SMS monitoring software mentioned above are affordable and offer great customer support services. They prioritize the safety of customer data and understand the need to remain undetected while monitoring. You get all this with spying apps like ONEMONITAR, CHYLDMONITOR, and ONESPY, as they track call and SMS activity remotely and without disturbing the target phone user.

Furthermore, you can check how these call and SMS monitoring software work from the Demo of the Dashboard they provide on their websites. You can also check their services and other monitoring features they have.

Until then, monitor phone calls and text messages to keep your loved ones safe and ensure your work progresses and is successful!

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